The student registration in the school is considered and expression of his/her willingness to abide by the rules and regulations of the school.

The school aim to provide free education to deserving students who have shown academic excellence in their intermediate years.



The school recognizes the physical and mental efforts by parents in sending their sons/daughters to a private school like Talisay Polytechnic Institute. It is a common knowledge that majority of our students come from very poor families. . .

Baccaluriat Mass

A baccalaureate Mass is a liturgical ceremony offered by schools that are connected with the Catholic Church. The celebration is a thanksgiving ceremony to honor and thank God for the blessings given to the graduating students and to their families.

TPI History

The idea of establishing a new private school in the Municipality of Talisay was hatched by a group of teachers who were once upon a time faculty members of the Talisay Highschool. It was founded in the early 1995 after meeting held in Tanauan City. To start the project, the source of fund, the school site, the basic requiremets needed, and the time constrain cropped up during the deliberation.

In a week time all the necessary papers and documents were hurriedly prepared and were submitted to the authorities concerned. Several names were given and suggested but later on it was unanimously agreed to the name the school Talisay Polytechnic Institute. . .