TPI History

The Idea of establishing a new private school in the Municipality of Talisay was hatched by a group of teachers who were once upon a time faculty members of the Talisay Highschool. It was founded in the early 1995 after meeting held in Tanauan City. To smart the project, the source of fund, the school site, the basic requiremets needed, and the time constrain cropped up during the deliberation.

In a week time all the necessary papers and documents were hurriedly prepared and were submitted to the authorities concerned. Several names were given and suggested but later on it was unanimously agreed to the name the school Talisay Polytechnic Institute.

The construction of the school building started on April 17, 1995 under a stringent appropriation coming from the meager constributions of the fifteen original incorporators which now compose the Board of Trustees. But fortunately through the kindness and courtesy of Mr.& Mrs. Pedro Caraan, the corporatetreasurer, thr corporation was able to secure a loan of one million pesos (Php 1,000,000.00) from a local rural bank by mortgaging their private house and lot. With this additional amount, the corporation was able to construct a fourteen-classroom building by the opening of School Year 1995-1996 enough to accomodate the initial of 715 students from first year to fourth year.

Through the concerted action and cooperation of all the members of the Board of Trustees all the odds and adversities encountered were successfully surmounted. The Talisay Polytechnic Institute was granted permit to operate the First and Second Curriculum Years on May 5,1995 under Goverment Permit No. 013, s.1995 by Department of Education, Culture and Sport on August 30, 1995 . This is the first time in the history of Region IV that a privet secondary school was granted permit to operate complete secondary course and granted government recognition in first year of operation.

Today, Talisay Polytechnic Institute adheres to the advocacy of helping poor but deserving students in its locality to enroll in private highschool they can easily afford but offering qulaity education. The benefactors of this institution were nspire to set more goals and projects due to the inreasing number of students who kept pouring in yearly.

The school offers study grants/full scholarship to class valedictorians and salutatorians Package of study grants includes free tuition and micellaneous free, free textbooks and free P.E. uniforms. Such benefits are enjoyed by the scholar until they reached fourth year even though they have not maintained their honors,provided they have no grade than 85% in any of his/her subjects.


Good Education
A Consistent Winner

The philosophy of the school is anchored on the belief that if we could provide a well-balanced quality education to our students, we would end up winning. Being educators ourselves, we commit to exert our effort to give our students that kind of education which help them to be productive and responsible citizens of the community/country.

Talisay Polytechnic Institute dreams that our students today will be our partners tomorrow in giving the same well-balanced quality education to the students of the next generation.


  • The flame symbolixes the beacon light much needed in obtaining education. This also attributes the faculty, the atmosphere and all facilities conducive to a manifestation of best academic learning.

  • The computer and microscope stand as Polytechnic Institute, meanng, the school is now adopting modern trends in imparting knowledge to the students, thru the use of modern gadgets like computers and microscope which is self explanatory or that is common in the field of Science.

  • The plants, trees and the lake are symbols of what Talisay is well noted, like plant nurseries, greeneries, and marine life common in Talisay, which are all worth being taken into account of all Talisaynons.

  • Y
  • The Y symbolizes equality as anybody would notice iits equal sharing or divisions of all aspects of the seal.

  • BOOK
  • The book, of course is the source of knowledge

  • The Laurel, signifies glory or fame and recognition of the school aim to provide good quality educatioon.

  • ROPE
  • Rope symbolizes continuity.