TPI is an educational institution committed to produce responsible and productive citizens who possess moral and social integrity and productive citizens who possess moral and social integrity and excellent leadership skills needed to be globally competitive.

Talisay Polytechnic Institute has s its main mission to educate students so that they can later work or further their studies, with tehnical an scientific competence. The school aims to empower all its students by providing a high-quality, comprehensive, and mmeaningful education producing highly-qualified productive global citizens.

TPI will collaboratively to ensure all students succeed. Placing the highest priority on learning the necessary skills in technical and applied sciences as well as the necessity to acquire excellent communication skills so that all students attain the essential sets of expertise needed to succeed in the workplace and/or in the academe.

We believe that all students can learn to their fullest potential. Graduates will possess the basic knowledge and skills that will assure their proficiency in problem solving and technology. They will be responsible citizens, lifelong learners, and will be prepared for a variety of post-graduation options.